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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Creative Therapy

A few weeks ago, Marc and I volunteered to help with some preparations for a youth dating fireside that was held this past Sunday. I spent a couple of hours every day for the last week or so making some props for the fireside. And, it was incredible how healing and therapeutic it was to work on them. I enjoyed it so much and felt so grateful for the blessing it was to have a creative outlet. 

Here is the "bad date van" that was partially inspired by the Scooby Doo van (and, just for fun, I ended up painting the entire van by finger... now, that is seriously therapeutic!):

And, the cool, sports car:

(As you can see, Einstein was feeling quite photogenic, since he had to be in both photos!)

While I was painting, Marc was creating music and sound effects for the fireside. I loved watching the twinkle in his eye as he "worked" on doing something that he loves doing. It's been a while since he's played around with his music software... it made me happy to see his excitement doing it again.

I found it so timely that President Uchtdorf would talk on Saturday night at the Relief Society broadcast about the healing and joy that comes from being creative. I had already been feeling the truth of those words while spending so much time creating these props, and was grateful to have that truth confirmed during his talk.

I have been wanting to get back into oil painting again, but was struggling to get past some barriers of fear and insecurity. I think this was the perfect way to get started again... I really feel creative energy coming back. Marc and I both do. I'm so grateful for the inspired leaders (who happen to be awesome friends!) who would ask us to help with these seemingly insignificant assignments for this fireside... we're still feeling the healing effect it has had on our hearts. It has been such a blessing! 

So, next time you're feeling overwhelmed by life, just pull out the finger paints and some cardboard... it really works wonders!


Amy said...

I hear ya on this one!
I've spent the last week sewing, sewing and then doing some more sewing.
James's halloween costume is almost done, and I've made tons of bags.
What can I say? It helps.

I'll email you today about a date and time.

Mindy said...

The props look fantastic! That van is great! It looks like it was fun, I hope the fireside went/goes well! :)

Brossettelewis said...

I'm glad you heard that from Pres Ukdorf. I heard the "be creative" part clearer than anyone I went with and was wondering if I misheard. I wanted to read it and see. I was thinking of you during his talk to so I am so glad his message was able to help you revisit painting. ..even if it was a bad date van, it's a start. I'd love if you posted some of your artwork if you get back into painting more.

Allred Mom said...

Inspired leaders? More like desperate friends who took advantage of you! Fortunately, You and Marc are the best! We love you! We owe you so much for this one! Thanks too, for the help with the "Dating 911" poster and the "FIGS" banner! We know we couldn't have done it without the help of you and Marc! We're looking forward to skit two in a month and of course all the fun we'll have in between!!