Isn't Marc just the sweetest thing there ever was?! It has been so hard to know how to follow a post like his below. He is so wonderful! And, just for the record choosing him as my husband was the best choice I ever made. Hands down. He is my favorite blessing!

This last week has been really busy. On top of his busy work schedule, Marc started teaching his Computer Graphics class at the college again, as the semester has started over. Marc is a natural teacher, able to explain the most complex ideas and concepts in such easy terms that anyone can learn what he teaches. He makes teaching look easy and makes learning fun. I haven't been able to attend his class yet, because he isn't sure if it's okay for me to be there... but, I'm coming up with a disguise. :)
With the start of a new semester, I've also started my classes, too... as a student! Yes, I have taken the plunge. I finished my B.A. four years ago and have only now just decided the time was right to go back to school. I'm working towards getting my teaching credentials, which will only take three semesters. I'm looking forward to learning new things, as well as the end result of being able to get involved in education.
I have a few friends who home-school their children, and I've always thought that I'd enjoy doing the same thing when we have kids. But, I've thought that rather than taking them out of the school system, I'd really like to get into the system myself and try to make a positive impact. Maybe it's naive of me... and soon enough I'll find out. Luckily, we still have a lot of time to figure out what we'll do with the schooling of our kids, but I'm excited about being a "teacher," in whatever setting I end up doing it in.
Along with a new semester, early-morning seminary is here again. Last year I team-taught with another teacher, but this year I'm flying solo. And, instead of starting at 6:10am, we're starting at 6:00am. That's right A.M. You wouldn't think that extra 10 minutes would be that big of a deal. Fortunately Marc is very supportive. I recognize that he could choose to support me by rolling me off the bed to get me up or by dumping water on my head. Instead, he wakes up with me at 5:30am and helps get me going. In the winter months he even goes outside and warms up the car for me. Who does that kind of thing? Well, Marc does.

And, in between school, work, and seminary, the soccer season is off to a great start! Our little team of 13 girls is making great progress and preparing for their first game in a week and a half. Hopefully they'll do awesome despite the lack of coaching skills they've found in their coaches!
Our schedules are full... but, they're full of things that we enjoy. We are lucky to have so many opportunities to participate in life. Hopefully we'll still be able to find time to check back in here just as often as before. We've enjoyed the connections we've strengthened with friends and family through the blog-o-spere, as well as the new friends we've met. So, keep coming back... we're still here. :)