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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Memorial Day

We made a quick visit to the cemetery on Memorial Day. 

My memories of the twins have been flooding my thoughts lately. I suppose there are a few reasons - the birth of Hugh, the recent walks through the same halls of the hospital where the twins were born, and then last week hearing of a friend losing her baby at about the same point we lost our twins. All of these things have brought memories, images, and feelings to the surface. I'm still trying to sort through them all, but I am grateful for the obvious healing that I've found among all of the memories and emotions.

A year ago, as we were still feeling the sting of death pierce through our broken hearts, I never would have imagined the place we'd find ourselves in this year. 

I don't know if postpartum hormones are the cause, but lately I've been reduced to tears much more frequently than normal. My heart is so full. I spend my days caring for these two precious boys and I can't believe how blessed I've been. I have moments when I start to feel a little overwhelmed by the challenges and responsibilities that have come with these two little ones, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And, fortunately I have wonderful family and friends who have been helping so much. 

Our time at the cemetery ended with Hugh needing an emergency feeding and Ben exploring the texture and smell of the grass. 

I'm looking forward to the day we can tell our boys about their sisters who came before them and the place they hold in our eternal family, and for the suspected role they have played in bringing us all together.


candice said...

Love the family photo. It is so true that life just keeps going; we never really know what is around the corner.

Heffalump said...

I'm so glad you have your boys, and so glad that you know that you will have your girls with you again one day.

Kaija said...

a beautiful beautiful family photo!

Unknown said...

hugs across the miles! Those hormones are a great excuse to cry at will... Darling family. I am so happy for you and so excited to hold those boys!

the splendid life of us... said...

That IS a very sweet family picture!

Allred Mom said...

LOVE the family picture!
I'm glad that you were able to make a trip with your boys to the cemetary to visit the resting place of your precious baby girls.
Hugs to all of you!

Jen said...

I am so hapy for you guys! I have to say I still looks at the twins and think wow I had 2 babies at the same time! They are 4 1/2 now. I still remember crying while the twins were crying and I couldn't get them to stop! Now they are a pure joy. Although they both still cry at the same time:)

Ence Family said...

What a sweet moment to share with you new little family. I love your headstone. It is beautiful!