I've been awake since 4:30am. I woke up when I heard Marc up getting Ben a bottle, then Hugh woke up hungry. It was almost 6am by the time I got both babies back to sleep. And, by then I was wide awake and too excited about the day ahead to go back to bed. So, I took a hot bath and got ready for the big day.
I've been counting down the days to today before I even knew that today was the day, but especially after we knew today was the day. All day yesterday I kept telling Benjamin that today was coming. But, I think he already knew.
August 25th is Ben's big day. The day he became officially ours.
Our appointment with the judge was at 9:00am. The courthouse is basically just down the street, so we got there with plenty of time to spare. As we sat in the hallway, waiting our turn, we were pleased with how the boys were being so patient. If only we could have been prepared for both of them in that small window of opportunity to spit up all over us. Hugh got Marc really good and within minutes Ben got me good. I guess they wanted us to look legit. It worked.

* I can't remember if this is pre- or post-spit up.
As a little side note, my good friend Sherrie was in the same waiting area with her two foster kids finalizing their adoption with the same judge right before us. It was fun to realize we were sharing the same exciting adoption day.
I guess it must have been a Bailiff that called our last name as Sherrie's entourage was exiting. We entered the small courtroom and I noted it looked smaller than I expected, and then I realized that I knew the judge. Back when she was a lawyer, a mutual friend recommended me as a babysitter for her two kids. It was so long ago, though, that I was sure she wouldn't recognize me as quickly.
It was all so official. She explained that she reviewed our report and based on that declared that it was indeed in the best interest of Benjamin to be placed in our family, as if he were born to us, receiving all the legal rights as his parents. Then she asked for our paperwork, which I was happy I remembered. We signed. She signed. And then the Bailiff guy took some photos for us. It was after the photos that I told her who I was and how I knew her, and then she understood why I looked familiar. And, as it turns out, my dad also taught alongside her mother for years.

* Post-finalization - Our judge, my little family, and my parents
In less than ten minutes we were walking back out of that little courtroom. It was official, just like that. The excitement of the moment got away with me and we were almost down the second flight of the courthouse front steps when I realized we probably needed some of that paperwork back from the judge.
I ended up going back with my dad to wait for the paperwork to get processed and copied, while Marc and my mom took the boys back to the comfort of home. It was in that down time, waiting in that same hallway, that it all hit me. A wave of memories and love washed over me. I thought back to a year ago when Tracey first contacted us. Then to the day she placed Ben in my arms. Since that day I've tried to imagine what today would feel like.
And it was nothing compared to the real thing.
Relief. Excitement. Gratitude. Love. Love like I've never known before. I love my little Benjamin. Words just can't contain the joy he has brought us. To have him now officially part of our family, and to recognize the love of his birth mother that made all of this possible, it just means more than I know how to express.

Two years ago we were heartbroken and stricken with grief. In all my wildest of dreams, I never would have imagined the joy and the blessings that would follow. Tonight when this big day draws to a close, I will vow, once again, to do everything I can to live a life worthy of my blessings.
It's official - I am the luckiest Mom in the world.