I'm obviously really behind and probably have a few upset blogging friends who I've kept in such intense suspense about my little vacation... well, this, is for you!
My sweet getaway was centered around two main purposes:
(This petite princess is my little sister's new baby, Audrey. She is about 6 weeks old.)
and, this...
(This big-eyed-beauty is my older sister's new baby, Talea. She is almost 4 months old.)
I hadn't seen either of them, though I had tried to hurry Talea out of the womb when I went to "help Dawnette after delivery"... only that I missed the birth altogether because Talea decided to be three weeks late. Maybe a little stage fright.
After totally getting my flight plans scheduled for the wrong days with Talea's birth, I decided to wait until after Audrey was born to make a trip out to meet her for the first time. When my parents left on their mission, I promised my Mom that I would take care of my sisters around delivery time, in her place... though, I discovered there is no way I can ever fill those shoes! But, it was nice to have that promise to her as my excuse to spend quality time with some of my family.
And, so last week I had the incredible experience of meeting two new nieces for the very first time... and just doted around like the proud "Auntie Meg" that I am. I cherish that title, I tell you.
And, on top of meeting these two darlings (as if that isn't enough blessedness for one girl to have), I also got to see 13 of my nieces and nephews, 2 sisters, 2 brothers, 2 sisters-in-law, 2 brothers-in-law, a turtle named "Tiny Tim", and a puppy named "Haiku".
It doesn't get any better than that. :)
(stay tuned for some photos, coming soon...)