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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dear Time...

... Please slow down!

My boys are growing like weeds and experiencing lots of firsts lately and I can't seem to find the time to sit and write it all down. 

In a nutshell, Ben is super close to walking (which we totally aren't prepared for yet... isn't that supposed to come like in six months from now?!), has two bottom teeth poking through in all their crooked glory, and is quite the little wannabe stuntman (which makes me a nervous wreck).

Hugh is rolling over, giggling, and already annoying Ben by playing with his toys.

Here are a few photos that I meant to put with the last post, to show how similar they are in size right now:

And, a family photo taken this morning, before Church (since I knew my chances of them looking like this after three hours were pretty slim - and I was right!):

* Coming soon - the boys' first trip to the ocean (this past weekend)!


candice said...

Megan, your boys are soooo cute! I love that family shot--those ties are adorable! I can't believe they actually keep them on. Simply darling.

Becky Rose said...

the are so darling! I look forward to these post every Sunday!

Sam and Lacey said...

They are getting so big. They are so cute! I need some advice on how to handle kids so close together. Mine won't be quite as close. We just adopted a 5 month old little girl and her brother or sister will be joining us as well in March or April. They will be about a year apart. 3 under 2 1/2 years. It should be fun!! Isn't it crazy how the blessings come.

KieraAnne said...

Aawww..they are so adorable! I love the ties! My boys won't wear ties, they're off before we even get in the car so I usually don't even try. I know what you mean about seems to be going faster and faster. I think it's crazy to think back to your childhood when everything took so long and realize that to the adults around you it was speeding by...

Kaija said...

what a perfectly wonderful family photo. i can't wait to see ocean photos!!!

Mandi said...

Those two boys are so stinkin' cute! I can't believe how old they look! Slow down indeed!